Sunday, June 27, 2010

A lesson from the Stanley Cup

I love hockey. One of the things I enjoy about it the most is the tradition and, for the most part, the class displayed by the teams.

Especially when a playoff series is over.

The teams line up and congratulate each other on the series. The winners celebrate and the losers say job well done.

If only village politics could be the same.

They're not. And in Buffalo Grove they're getting worse.

The revelation in recent Daily Herald accounts that Lisa Stone continues to email retired Village Manager Bill Brimm exemplifies exactly what's wrong in Buffalo Grove.

Brimm is finishing his stint as Village Manager by using the last of his vacation -- get it -- he's on vacation.

That doesn't matter to Stone. She wants her name in the news anyway she can.

She got it -- thanks to Brimm who called her delusional. That's being polite.

In her now infamous campaign, people called Stone tenacious in her pursuit of things -- like mean dogs and drugs. That's fine.

But it's gone to her arrogant head and her tenacity has turned into arrogant attempts at character assassinations.

It's no longer getting old, it's getting repulsive.

Stone's lack of respect for village staff and her colleagues on the Board is unprecedented. Whether it's Village Clerk Jan Sirabian or Village Attorney William Raysa, Stone's arrogant "I know everything attitude" is an insult to the village and to the men and women who serve, and have served the village before her.

Stone's smug look when Sirabian admitted to losing the keys to the cabinet that held the infamous tapes was so arrogant it was unreal. It was as if she was saying "ha, see you are not qualified." Ms. Stone, there's a reason Sirabian has served 32 years on the Board. You may be luck to serve 32 months.

Granted, it's unfortunate that the keys were lost and I am concerned that village officials and staff (Sirabian is not the only one) who keep village keys with them outside 50 Raupp.

But there is a proper and professional manner to handle these situations. Stone just doesn't do it right. She comes across as an arrogant know-it-all and things need to be done her way or else.

Her ridicule of how the village pays its bills is a joke. Remember, Lisa approved those bills until this last board meeting.

And remember Lisa approved the budget when it was being formed.

So where was she? Why is it that Lisa only speaks on a couple of issues a meeting?

Because she does not know better.

Her continued harassment of Brimm is a classic example of that.

And oh yes, Miz Stone who is concerned about village expenses doesn't realize how much money she is costing the village by using staff time for her campaign.

Stoney acts as if she is Village Manager or Village Board President.

She's not.

What she is delusional.

What's not delusional is the need for a change.


  1. Stan-

    You seem to be at a lot of board meetings- have you noticed waht Stone does when the discussion is not about HER or one of her pet issues? She's eithe reviewing her notes or looking around the room, staring at people who are talking. And she always seems to be focused on who is chatting with the reporters in the room. Is she afraid someone will get to thembefore she does?

    If only she'd spend time learning about important things like finance and civics, we'd all be a lot better off. But she's far more interested in harassing Brimm, who spent countless hours with her before the election trying (in vain) to teach her how the village works. Very few people know how much of his time she took up prior to the election so that she could try to be prepared. No other candidate asked for, nor needed more than an hour or two of Brimm's time.

    Even after the election, she'd camp out in his office and soak up inordinate amounts of his time on her inane issues and painfully slow learning curve.

    This is how she shows her appreciation?

  2. I know there will be a learning curve, but for what purpose? Yes, she does not focus on the rest of the meeting..stay tuned.
