Friday, July 10, 2009

End of Week Notes

So the Buffalo Grove Countryside arrives in the mail box. A couple of thoughts:

1. Are late fireworks that big of a deal? It was a Saturday night, what was the rush?

2. "Tensions Still High Over Gambling" -- Well, maybe with one Board member. The rest of the tensions are in response to the daggers being tossed about by Mrs. Quixote. What's going to happen when the state approves video poker games? I can't help but wonder how many of the people opposed to the gambling hang out playing the ponies at Arlington or swamp the casino when they cruise.

3. Since when does a Brazilian Steak House serve sushi? (OK, it's not in BG, but it's close).

4. Mathias Still Opposes Tax Hike -- Nice to see Sid has a position on something.

5. Local DJ mourns Jackson in L.A. -- I never liked Phil Jackson. Oh, wait the other Jackson. I know he was a talent, but he was drug-using freak who shot his life away.

6. Buffalo Grove Cub Fan on Hunger Strike -- Quite simply, it's a slow news day. This guy will be more hungry than the Cubs.

7. Kirk Building War Chest -- Amazing. An article about Mr. Mark without it being a photo op. He does run a slick operation, however.

8. Mega Bites in the 'Burbs. -- Great, let's support obesity. Tell the Board that OTB stands for Over The Belly -- and we'll all live happily ever after.

9. Bed Switch turns into Nightmare. I'm not even touching that one.

10. Beach Advisories online. Must be important, it ran twice. But how many people take a computer to the beach?

Say, Pioneer, what happened to Diversions? Lemme see, they dropped it to save money and have more space for soccer moms to write gossip. In the process, they phased out a talented staff, including one of the most wonderful people to ever grace a keyboard. Details coming.

More later,

Good Day.

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