The long-awaited showdown between good and evil. The gunslinger vs. tradition.
No doubt people will be persuaded to attend. The joint will be jumping.
Monday night football? Hardly.
It's Village Board night in Big Animal Grove.
So why the Green and Gold face their newly found arch-rival, Brett Favre, the Village Board will be bracing for yet another chapter of "As the Stone Turns".

Now generally I don't pontificate on what may happen, but with the recall ordinance on the table, you can be sure it won't be an evening of Village President Elliot Hartstein leading choruses of "Kumbia" or "We Are the World."
Nope. The debate will continue into not necessarily the need for a recall ordinance, but, my guess is, another dagger throwing (as opposed to Favre throwing...), derogatory comments about the ordinance.

Let's set the way back machine, Sherman (If you're under 50, you may need to do a Google search on Mr. Peabody).
At the Sept. 21 meeting, Village Trustee Jeff Berman introduced a recall ordinance. Whether it was in response to the acrimonious arrival of Stone, or a perceived need for such an ordinance is not important.
But hang on there, kemosabe (if you're under 50, do a Google search on the Lone Ranger and Tonto) -- someone beat Ms. Quixote to the punch.
So rather than launch a constructive dialogue into the need for a recall ordinance and how it should be written, Stone opted to rip everyone involved.
Surprised? It's like Favre saying he was ready to retire, but no, I want to play, but on my terms.
There's a difference (fortunately) between Brett Favre and Lisa Stone. Favre is a proven and respected entity.
A brief review -- Stone wanted input into the ordinance and hinted that Berman should have contacted her so she could help. He didn't, which is his prerogative. Then the issue was the ordinance was delivered too late and just before the Jewish Holidays (see related blog). Then it was the issue the it was not just like recall ordinances in Wheeling, Mt. Prospect or Arlington Heights.
OK, a quick reality check. First, Buffalo Grove does not need to be like other municipalities. Granted, there are some good points in the other ordinances, but discussion may yield that not everything is perfect.
Trustees were told that the ordinance would be discussed at the next Board Meeting -- this Monday -- much like the Packers knew they were going to face the Favre-lead Vikings on Monday night.
Besides the hype, what both coaching staffs knew that a key will be preparation.
OK, let's look at that again -- keyword? Preparation.
So it's incumbent on the entire board -- Miz Stone included -- to be prepared with a team plan for the ordinance.
This means no whining about factors that keep you for preparing. The reality is that every board member needs to be ready to discuss the ordinance and approve on that is in the best interest of the village.
Board meetings are not the time to bring a personal soapbox -- it's a time to address all of the village's business.
Granted, there are some questions that need to be answered -- percentage needed for recall, votes cast, or voters registered. Stone needs to listen to and respect the work down by the village staff -- whether elected (like the village clerk) or appointed (like the village attorney).
It's not rocket science, folks -- It's common sense -- It's common respect -- And it's what is good for the village in the long term.
If an elected official can't look beyond their own personal rants, if they can't respect the process and the dedication of their colleagues -- then they are not representing their constituency or doing the job they vowed to do.
Which, like him or not, is what Favre has been able to do.
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