Sunday, November 1, 2009

I Read The News today, oh boy....

Well, the fine folks at the USPS or Pioneer Press saw fit to deliver my copy of the Pioneer Press Countryside this week so I could find out what was going on in Big Animal Grove.

Am I glad they did.

Local schools stay open as swine flu threat grows. Huh? So we would close schools because of a threat? And it took three reporters to cover this? How about how the school are coping with the swine flu? How about preventive measures they are taking. Saying the schools are staying open because of a threat is like saying Dog Bites Man.


Stevenson celebrates scores -- that's what it's all about, right? How much better we are than someone else. How about telling us how they're working with at risk students, providing services for students who may be falling through the cracks because of problems such as domestic violence, drug abuse etc. Oh wait, that doesn't make us look good. Silly me.


Holy headline, batman -- Lisa Stone is at it again. OMG, what have I missed. Liza (for whatever reason I call women named Lisa, Liza -- it's a tribute I guess to Liza Minelli's album, "Liza with a Z.." Wait, did I say album...hello, Ted Mack) must be on the warpath again. Circle the wagons, call Rob Sherman (who, in his blog, takes credit for bringing peace and harmony to the board) -- there's trouble in River City.

But wait. This is not only old news, it's no news. Seriously. The "exchange" took place at the Oct. 19 Board meeting -- this ran in the Oct. 29 newspaper. Why not the Oct. 22 newspaper guys?

But wait. There was no heated exchange. The alleged argument was stemmed by Village President Elliott Hartstein who, during a public hearing, told Mike Terson that he could not challenge Stone on her position regarding eSkape wanting to have a dance club. Terson persisted by Hartstein reminded Terson that a public hearing was not the time to take on a trustee -- any trustee -- he was not singling Stone out.

To no surprise, Stone wanted to reply -- let's face it -- if looks could kill the Board would have adjourned for a Shiva Minyan. However, Stone took the cue and held her remarks to the end of the meeting. This alone is breaking news.

For Pioneer to claim there was a heated exchange is not only inaccurate journalism -- specifically headline writing (reporter Kathy Routliffe's article is accurate) but a cheap way of taking advantage of the Stone presence on the board.

Yes, while I have ripped Liza for her delivery system (among other things) this time I'll go on record to say she followed Hartein's request, thus eliminating a heated exchange. She did respond at the end of the meeting, which is mentioned in the article, but clearly it was not heated.

It seems to me that Pioneer wants to yell fire in a crowded movie theater by dropping the S bomb. "Hey guys, it's a slow news day -- what do we do -- Put Stone in a headline?"


The next page contains an article about Stone's campaign fund being cleared. My question is why was the hearing (at least according to the Daily Herald) held in closed session? Things like campaign funds are public records as should resolutions about complaints filed.


Mega Bites -- Another free full page ad for restaurants that try to attract suburbanites with massive amounts of food. And they augment it with pictures of people shoving food in their mouth. Gross.

I wonder if Pioneer goes to schools in its distribution area and flaunts "Mega Bites" to students who are on free lunch programs because parents are on food stamps? I wonder if Pioneer sells subscriptions at area food pantries?

No, Pioneer panders to the perception that its readers are affluent and insensitive to the needs of the less fortunate. I didn't see any coverage about the CROP Hunger Walk held Oct. 18 in Libertyville. Walkers raised nearly $25,000 to feed the hungry. By the way, that was just from one team..the group from the First Presbyterian Church of Libertyville. Kudos (and yes a donation) to that group (that yes, includes friends) for doing that. It's rewarding when members of house of worship take time out to help others -- rather than just plan a party.

Why didn't Pioneer cover it? Nope. Ms. Goodhair didn't even mention it in attempt-to-be-a -journalist column. Why? No ad potential.

Pioneer should demonstrate good corporate citizenship with a Mega Heart.

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