The ongoing struggle with the The Statesman, made the front page -- and the editorial page. The story on the opening news page featured comments from students obtained via Facebook. I am still an advocate of shoe-leather reporting rather than doing everything by social networking.
The paper also did a lengthy editorial about the situation in which it agrees with Randy Swikle, executive director of the Illinois Journalism Education Association, in a call for a "dialogue" between the school board and administration and the public to discuss First Amendment issues. This goes beyond First Amendment issues and those additional issues should be included in the forum.
Seven states are "anti Hazelwood states" that prevent school administrations from enforcing the Supreme Court's Hazelwood decision. It would be ideal if Swikle's dialogue concept could alleviate problems, such as the ones seen at Stevenson. For the record, these problems are not unique to Stevenson -- but when a high profile high school that, for the past eight years has had a high profile journalism program -- takes the program down -- way down -- a lot of people take notice.
The editorial also mentions this blog -- for the record, I blog on happenings in Buffalo Grov

Pioneer also included an editorial cartoon (at left) on the subject. It was simply stated and well done.
The paper also included information about the village's budget crunch, which will more than likely be addressed at Monday's meeting. It's amazing to me how people who sabre rattle about life in the village have so little to say publically about village business.
The agenda is massive -- it is available at In addition to the budget, a proposed resolution that would establish a code of ethics is up for consideration. I must be an idealist as I think any one who serves in the public interest should act ethically and respectfully -- but as we have seen statewide and in the City That Works, ethical behavior is sometimes an after thought. I am not sure (despite what some folks may say) who is the driving force behind the ordinance. But let's see if personalities can be put aside and work for the good of the village.
Sources have indicated to me that because of the length of the agenda it is possible the Board will also meet on Dec. 14 in addition to its regularly scheduled meeting on Dec. 21. Wow -- three consecutive weeks of Village Board meetings.
Speaking of meetings. The folks over on 22 who run Stevenson High School are holding their meeting on Thursday, Dec. 17 and not on the third Monday of the month, which would have been Dec. 21 -- during Winter break.
A campaign may be needed for Pioneer -- It could be "Let's give Dino a Break.." Sportswriter Dino Marco once again is burning the candle at both ends providing local coverage. Always gratifying to see someone burn the shoe leather.
And finally, the folks at Pioneer moved Mega Bites to page 36 -- of course they had a front page tease. Maybe they needed the up-front space for news. A good thing.
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