Friday, June 18, 2010

Who's yo mama?

Some things just happen by chance.

During the last Village Board meeting I was having trouble connecting to the village web site for information about the citizens fire academy.

Undaunted, I decided to do a search on Google. To my surprise, one of the prompts that came up was for Lisa Stone's campaign web page ( from last year's election -- I have no idea what I entered to get that site.

So I figured, what the heck, I'd take a look.

No surprises. The page features the usual propaganda you'd expect to find at a campaign site -- but we're talking Lisa Stone here. To no surprise, she vows to do everything or has done everything. But remember, this is a campaign page.

What struck me odd was the state that she had on her page, which said "We need a mother on the Village Board, who has raised, and is raising, her children in the community. Lisa Stone is that woman!


If you are familiar with the history of the Buffalo Grove Village Board, you will know that Miz Stone is not the first woman on the board, not the first mother on the Board and not the first mom, let alone board member whose children has raised her children in the community.

So what's the point?

You could call it campaign misrepresentation because Stone tried to position herself as a first, which she is not.

You could call it an effort discredit current and previous women who have served on the Board -- which it seems like it is.

Aside from Stone, there are three women on the Board, DeAnn Glover, Jan Sirabian and Beverly Sussman. All are moms -- and even grandmother.

Let's take Sussman (whom, by the way, I anointed as Board Bubbe months ago) as she was elected at the same time as Stoney.

So that leaves Sirabian and Glover -- both women, both moms. Hellllo, Liza aren't you paying attention to your colleagues on the Board? Guess not.

Sirabian has two kids -- both of whom were born and raised in Buffalo Grove and attended BG High School.

Glover has two children and three grandchildren.

So where is Miz Stoney coming from? As we've seen, she tends to ignore, or does not understand the facts -- had she done her homework, she would have known that former Village President Verna Clayton has two children and former trustee Bobbie O'Reilly has two sons, both raised in Buffalo Grove.

So Stoney likes to flaunt herself as a leader in the women's movement. Hardly. More like a follower -- a distant follower.

If she wants to wave the flag of feminism, she needs to look at the total picture, a novel idea I know.

It goes back to doing your homework.

I've mentioned the moms who have served on the Board -- but if you're into feminist issue, let's take it a step further.

Sirabian, Glover and Sussman (OK, now I'll bring her in) are not only moms -- they are working moms who work in the village. And for the record, Sussman is a female business owner in the village.

And Clayton, by the way, served several terms as a state representative (R-51), so she obviously had professional roots tied to the village.

So Stone tried to, as she continues to do, Stonewall the voters and people of Buffalo Grove.

Don't believe me? Let's go back to Liza's claim that "We need a mother on the Village Board, who has raised, and is raising, her children in the community."

If you check her bio on the village web site, you will find that Lisa has two children -- one of whom is in college. Stone has lived in the village since 1994 -- 16 years. Before that, she lived in unincorporated Deerfield.

Unless her older son is an academic prodigy (and this is not a criticism of him), he's more than 16 years old, which means the Stones did not live in the village when he was born, unlike children of other Board members.

Raising children is a never ending proposition. So for Stone to give the perception that her family has been born and bred in Buffalo Grove is, quite simply -- wrong.

And to portray herself as a hero because she's a mom in the village is (duhh) misleading. But so what else is new?

Look around Mis Stone -- there are plenty of women who have served, and are serving the village long before you arrived.

They're moms, they're grandmothers, they're business owners in the village and they work at village owned businesses -- and they don't brag about it.

In essence, their actions have spoken, and do speak, louder than words.

Which is more than can be said for Stone.


  1. As one of the many women who have raised children (& involved in raising grandchildren) in Buffalo Grove;working full time jobs, and Volunteering our personal time (an unknown word to Ms Stone), She certainly does not 'represent' us! We are confident women and proud of what we do without screaming for attention!
    Paulette Greenberg

  2. Not to be sexist or anything, but why even bring up the issue of being a BG mom? What about the BG dads who are on the board? Does it really matter at all?

    Just another example of her shallow and near-sighted perspective on what it takes to be a good trustee. I guess she needed to do that because she had nothing else to fall back on.
