Gas was about 50 cents a gallon and, for the most part, village board meetings dealt with few items of substance -- except for future development.
But small town, and that's what they were politics always seem to have a surprise. In one area community, there was a rumor that one of its village trustees saw fit to pose for a calendar. Think about it for a moment. Yes, the trustee allegedly poses sans an ordinance or legal briefs -- of for that matter any briefs. Back then the Internet was nonexistent, as was sitting down and clicking. Village officials took advantage of local media to dig up any kind of information. I had heard to the rumor, but before I could find anything, the trustee had decided not to run. A good idea on his -- yes his -- part.
Some things never change. Thirty five years later rumors still circulate around village officials and what they do in their private life. I'm not interested in rumors. If I blogged about all of the rumors I heard, I would be blogging every day.
However, when a candidate decides to brag about his escapades, it's a different story.
Rob Sherman is running for Village Clerk in Buffalo Grove. His web site, "Rob Sherman News", contains a collection of Sherman's thoughts on everything from being an atheist to his opponent, Jan Sirabian, and who know what else. That's fine.
It is interesting, however, how one of Sherman's biggest accomplishments is having his car washed by a series of Hooters Girls. Really.
I have nothing against Hooters, in fact, like Rob, I have a picture with a Hooters staff member. For the record, she worked at Hooters in Norfolk, Virginia and was from Green Bay, Wisconsin. We Packer fans find any reason to connect.
But the staff member I met was working and I was not beaming with pride about having her put her arm on my shoulder.
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Sherman's car wash as noted on his web site |
Sherman does. As noted by the picture, he was having a good time.
In fact, he joyfully wrote about it -- the entire episode can be found at
Sherman details his escapades, including the fact that "They were really careful not to get me wet, um, with water from their bucket or hose."
Again, if Sherman wants to be surrounded by bikini-clad Hooters employees, that's fine. If he wants to make questionable remarks about their handling a hose, that's fine too.
However, the question is this -- Is this behavior appropriate for someone who considers himself a public figure and wants to be a public official?
His comments about Jan Sirabian are degrading to women and, with all due respect, senior citizens. To some people, his flaunting of young women in bikinis is degrading to women.
Sherman is not the first public figure to do something questionable. Last election night proved that -- but at least Elliott Hartstein had the dignity to realize his mistake and apologize to then trustee Lisa Stone and the community for his behavior.
Sherman, however, does nothing but flaunt his sexist and degrading escapade.
Truth is, the Hooter girls who washed his car are lucky that he wasn't driving his massive "Rob Sherman news van".
I guess they can thank G-d for that. Oh wait, I guess they can't. If they do, Sherman won't let them wash his car again.
The only thing bigger than his truck is his massive ego. For as intelligent as he seems to be on some matters, he can't resist making a complete idiot of himself on others. Like certain other local "public" figures, he doesn't appear to recognize, understand or care how he comes across to others. What sensible political candidate would brag about having Hooters girls wash his sports car and then post that picture on their web site?
ReplyDeleteI really don't care if he has Hooters girls, girl scouts, the Spice Girls or the Daughters of the American Revolution wash his car in bikinis. The fact that he chose to write about it and post the picture speaks volumes about his character and judgment- not to mention his ego.
Sorry- I'm not impressed with the pic or the story. Seems sad and a bit pathetic, actually.