Much has
been written, to no surprise, about the use of social media by politicians –
especially President Trump who clings to it like a cheap suit.
Not only has
it has changed the landscape of politics, but also the need for transparency by
public officials. It has also raised the
level of curiosity by constituents who want to know what their government
officials are doing and why.
Village Trustee Andrew Stein
(Photo from Facebook)
However, it
is not just a national or statewide issue. Local politicos need to adhere to a
high level of transparency as well, especially when posting on social media.
This includes
Buffalo Grove officials.
Whether on
the Park Board, Planning and Zoning Commission or the Village Board, public
officials need to be as open as possible.
Which is why a post by Village Board trustee
Andrew Stein on Dec. 15 raised some questions. Stein’s post included a link
from the Illinois Policy Institute that “Poll Shows ‘Large Majorities’ Of Illinois Voters Support
Legalizing Marijuana” (Marijuana
poll). Stein queried Facebook users by asking them “What do you think of
There were
10 comments, including one I made asking, “Are you proposing this for the village?”
to which Stein replied, “I am curious where others stand.”
Was that
really the case? I initially shrugged it off until I got a call from Stein,
during which he further reiterated that he was just interested in the
possibility of recreational use of marijuana being legal in Illinois. I had no
intention of writing about Stein’s post because at first, because it just
seemed inane.
But I began
thinking, which is always a dangerous thing, and I could not help but wonder
why Stein was interested in what people thought of legal recreational marijuana
in Illinois.
The thought stayed with me until
recently when I decided to see if, in fact, there was more to Stein’s concern
about recreational use of marijuana than a fleeting comment on Facebook.
There was, and,
still may be.
Information I obtained through a request filed
in accordance with the Illinois Freedom of Information Act, yielded that Stein
had more than a fleeting interest in the issue.
For Stein to state on social media
that he was just curious as to where others stood appears to be a misrepresentation
of his intent.
Stein’s interest is based in the
introduction last year of Illinois House Bill 2353, the
cannabis control act. An amendment
would, apparently, allow recreation use of marijuana.
Stein began pushing for the village
to take the lead in local regulation of recreational marijuana in early
In an email sent to Village Manager
Dane Bragg and Board President Beverly Sussman, on Oct. 25, Stein wrote, “Time may of the
essence on this.
I would like to discuss
an ordinance to ban the
sale and cultivation of Recreational Marijuana in Buffalo Grove. It would be great to have something on
the books before legislation makes its way through the State.”
Why was “time of the essence”? Apparently because at that time the two
bills, HB 2353 and SB 316, were on the docket in Springfield and would address
legal recreational use of marijuana in the state.
Bragg responded to Stein on Oct. 27, telling
him that according to the Northwest Municipal Conference, as well as the Illinois Chiefs
Association via Buffalo Grove Police
Chief Steve Casstevens, the bills was pushed aside until after the first
of the year.
Stein, however persisted, and in an
email sent to Bragg, Sussman, Casstevens and Deputy Village Manager Jennifer
Maltas, on Nov. 3 wrote “I have been
thinking about this and was wondering, does Buffalo Grove wish to be a leader
in this and pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale and distribution before the
Bill moves? We could be the first and others could follow our lead in telling
the State that this is a bad idea? I think that it is worth the discussion.
Does anyone agree with me?”
Bragg quickly responded that “Seeing as the bill isn’t going anywhere,
I think it is a
distraction right now. In addition, the bill as proposed
preserves home rule authority to regulate how we want. This may be of more pertinent interest after the first of the year.”
Which, you would think would be the
route to go. Stein, however, remains persistent. There’s nothing wrong with a
Village Board member taking an initiative on a matter, as Stein has with the
recreational marijuana issue, however, what is troubling is his lack of
transparency with constituents.
Stein continued to plead his case
into November when he once again emailed Bragg and Sussman simply saying “it
may be closer than was thought.” His support was a voluminous report from the
Stand Strong Coalition, a group which, as indicated on its website ( was,
August 1st, 2014 by concerned parents, Jamie Epstein and Debbie Stern. It is a
community-based coalition dedicated to preventing underage drinking and drug
use for the youth in our community.” The group lobbied the Board in August to
raise the age for tobacco sales to 21, a measure which was approved.
information Stein provided detailed scheduled public meetings featuring experts
who apparently side with Stand Strong Coalition. The question that is not
answered is if Stein attended those meetings and if he did, did he do so as a
regular citizen, or member of the Village Board. When I spoke with him in December, he made no mention of his idea for an ordinance
or if he had attended or approached Stand Our Ground for support.
Instead, he
turned to Facebook with an innocuous post casually asking people how they felt
about recreational marijuana being legalized in the Land of Lincoln.
receiving information from my FOI request, I contacted Stein by email and asked
him about the two bills, to which he replied “…I was concerned that legislation to approve
recreational marijuana was going to move soon. I am opposed to recreational
marijuana. I was considering proposing a resolution by the Village opposing
legislation, before it moved forward. When I saw the article that I posted on
Facebook, I saw an opportunity to gauge sentiment. You asked me if I was
proposing this for the Village and I told you that I was just curious where
others stand.”
Got it. At least he confirmed that he is opposed to
recreational marijuana and that he was considering introducing a resolution to the Village Board opposing
Which raises
more questions
The first
being why didn’t he say that on his Facebook post and secondly, what exactly is
he looking for – a resolution opposing the bill, or an ordinance prohibiting recreational
marijuana in the village?
As noted in
the Nov. 3 email, Stein asked Bragg, Sussman, Casstevens and Maltas, “does Buffalo Grove wish to be a
leader in this and pass an ordinance
prohibiting the sale and distribution before the Bill moves?”
I’m not
passing judgment on Stein’s beliefs on recreational marijuana, just the scope
of his transparency.
He needs to
be transparent in what he’s looking for and an openness as to why.
Otherwise his
transparency will go up in smoke.
No matter
what’s being smoked.