Thursday, February 8, 2018

There's no business like snow business...

With the approaching snowmaggedon, the village of Buffalo Grove has issued these tidbits of information.

Waste Management Suspends Services on Friday, February 9

Due to the predicted snow in the forecast, Waste Management is suspending all pickup services on Friday, February 9, 2018. For any residents who have Friday pickup, services will instead be provided on Saturday, February 10. Waste Management will resume normally scheduled pickup services on Monday, February 12. For more information, please call Waste Management at 800-796-9696.

Round-the-Clock Snow Removal Efforts in Buffalo Grove

Buffalo Grove Public Works continues to work two, 12-hour split shifts around the clock due to this week's storm events. This will continue through the expected 7-12 inches predicted Thursday evening through Friday evening, with additional snow accumulations possible Saturday into Sunday.

"Snow Command" screens at Public Works provide real-time updates for planning, hourly weather predictions and response levels for snow and ice control activities based on weather patterns. A geographic information system (GIS) map shows plow trucks and their progress through routes. Roads shift from red to green on the screens as a truck completes its route. Fleet mechanics are an integral part of each 12-hour shift, fixing trucks to get them back on the street as soon as possible.

Village parking restrictions will go into effect as soon as snow plow crews begin operations and will continue until the snow has ended and all streets have been cleared.

For questions or concerns, please contact the Public Works Department main number at 847-459-2545 during normal business hours (Monday through Friday from 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.), and the non-emergency Police Department during off hours at 847-459-2560.

Other general reminders...

*  The Fire Department asks that residents, if possible, should clear snow off of fire hydrants and around the area surrounding the hydrant.

*  Do not shovel or push snow into the street. 

*  Make sure your mailbox is accessible.

*  One tip -- if you want to make your snow removal easier, coat your shovel with silicone or WD-40.  It also help snow throwers.

*  If you have a bird feeder, make sure it's filled.  Heavy snows impact the availability of food for birds.  Village officials do not have to be fed. 


  1. Where can I find a link to that "Snow Command" real-time map?

    1. Good question. I checked with Public Works and the village does not have a real time map.

  2. And probably good to remind people that not all the roads in Buffalo Grove are the responsibility of the Village of Buffalo Grove to plow. Main thoroughfares are plowed by the county or the state:

    1. Good point. Some roads are done by Lake County, Cook County, the state and even Vernon Township.
