Sunday, January 24, 2010

A new thermostat needed at Village Hall?

(c) 2010

I'm really disappointed with the village staff. It's beyond comprehension how they are letting the Village Hall run down.

Yes, the bricks and mortar look nice, as does the historical collection inside, but the appliances must be getting old. Especially the thermostat.

I didn't realize it until Jan. 18 Village Board meeting when the vulnerable kitchen of controversy seemed to be getting warm -- very warm. I wasn't sure until I began to watch some dynamics unfold.

For those of you who tend to shy away from attending Village Board meetings, one of the regular parts of the agenda is the part where there are trustee reports. For the most part they are usual and customary. It does, however, give trustees a chance to report on activities they are involved with on behalf of the village.

Some trustees, however, who see fit to turn the trustee reports into campaign sessions. During her report, Lisa Stone brought up a perceived health problem having to with a landscape compost facility on Milwaukee Avenue. To no surprise, it has become a huge issue -- just listen to Miz Stone. In fact, she took offense to Village Manager Bill Brimm giving Board President Elliott Hartstein some insight. It's interesting that Miz Stone demands attention, but when someone asks her to follow protocol and the agenda, she doesn't. Despite requests from the Chair, Ms. Stone continues. That's not to say the topic should not be brought up -- but there is a time and place for it.

Ms. Stone clearly makes a point of reading the minutes, because she always votes again them, but it seems like she doesn't read the agenda. Hint, the section is called "New Business."

So what does this have to do with heat. It seems as though Miz Stone has forgotten about her favorite cause -- the Ethics Ordinance and the code of ethical behavior for village elected and appointed officials.

It's unfortunate that village time and effort had to be spent on an ordinance tell officials how to behave, but it's not a bad idea to have written guidelines. Now all that is needed is for trustees to read them. Including Miz Stone.

The guidelines are explicit about the expectations, including behavior during meetings. It seems as though Liza gets upset when the Village Manager dares to consult with the Village President -- but when she has interactions with a member of the audience, that's OK because, golly gee, when she's in the kitchen, there is no heat.

Wanna bet? The code clearly states that "The passing of notes to or the receiving of notes from, the audience who are attending Village Board meetings is distracting and must be discouraged. However, the passing of notes between members of the Corporate Authorities absolutely necessary in the conduct of business can be undertaken but should only occur if absolutely necessary."

I know, she wasn't passing notes, but mouthing conversations back and forth is not only disruptive to Board business, it's also annoying to residents who may be attending Board meetings.

Granted, everyone should be focused on the business of the Board, but what does it say about someone who whines about Board members not returning her emails, and who sees fit to follow her own agenda with little regard for the village business at hand?

It says that either the thermostat is broken or there's too much heat in the kitchen.

Isolated case? Afraid not.

The recently passed ethic guidelines also state that "Public Officials shall refrain from abusive conduct, personal charges or verbal attacks, direct or inferred attacks, or implied attacks upon the character or motives of other Public Officials, Village staff or the public."

The guidelines do not stipulate abusive conduct be limited to meetings. The reality is village officials, elected or not, need to maintain a sense of proper decorum and stick (ideally) to village business. Which, I suppose, would include allegedly calling someone's employer to complain about the action of an employee's activities outside of work were negatively impacting the image of the employer.

In this case, the Buffalo Grove Park District. Why? Because Ms. Stone seems to have issues with Mike Terson, who is the PR person for the Park District. Oh, yes, it's the same Mike Terson who ran for Village Board last May.

So why is Stoney upset? Lemme see -- maybe because he doesn't agree with a lot of what she says. Terson may not be perfect, but he has a right to his opinion and, as a village resident, has a right to be involved in the community. There is no conflict-of-interest with what he is doing because he is there as a resident. Any time he represents the Park District, he clearly indicates his intentions.

But Stone may be concerned that he'll get more notoriety than she. So she takes advantage of her position to try and tell another public entity how it should run. As is the case with village, the Park District is well run. The intrusion by Miz Stone into its operation because one of its employees bothers her is not only wrong, it hints, rather strongly, at an abuse of power.

In the dean's office, they call it bullying.

What causes that? Maybe a defective thermostat. Afterall, if it's broken, there just may be too much heat in the kitchen.

1 comment:

  1. Buffalo Grove resident of 35 yearsJanuary 26, 2010 at 11:49 AM

    How can we as tax paying citizens continue to let Ms. Stone filibuster at the meetings??? Is this extra TV /Comcast time and her face time costing us EXTRA monies? Also, everyone on the board, I believe, has a day job except for Ms. Stone...why must the meeting D-R-A-G into the wee hours of the morning---relinguishing sleep to board members, viewers and most of all John-Q-Public sitting in the room to have a matter attended by the village...UNFAIR to all.
    Just had to voice my opinions which I am certain is shared by others.
