Despite the fact that the election is months away, candidate Chicken Little has won a round -- and picked up a key endorsement.
During yet another long-days-journey-into night, best known as a Village Board meeting, trustee De Ann Glover suggested that the Board use an egg timer to monitor lengthy discussions.
“I’m flattered,” said Little. “After all these years, it’s good to see that the Board has finally gone afowl with its proceedings. Ironically enough, the discussion about the board going afowl came as a result of perennial pain in the neck Lisa Stone, once again waving her sabre, claiming the board operated afoul.
"I'm glad the Board is beginning to see the light and wisdom of what I have to offer," Little said. "I hope they won't need to use the egg timer, but with some trustees, it may be needed."
When informed that Stone offered to bring an egg timer too, Little smirked. "Do you think she even knows what time limits are?"
The discussion about egg timers came as a result of an ordinance being discussed. The ordinance (as reviewed in a previous blog) cites needed procedures for conducting village business. Part of the provisions detailed in the ordinance, which will be discussed at the next Village Board meeting on Monday, May 3, impact a 10-minute limit on comments by board members during a meeting. During the past year some board members have seen fit to not be considerate enough of other board members, or residents waiting to address the board, and ramble incessantly about their own personal agenda.
This has agitated Glover who recalls that at a recent meeting, a resident waited patiently until 12:30 a.m. to make comments to the board. "That was unconscionable and I never want to see that happen again," Glover said.
Stone did not agree. She reiterated that as an independent and reformer time needs to be allocated for board members to bring up issues of interest to the Board. She claimed that no procedures were in place, apparently not realizing that the section under "new business" is where items of community concern can be brought up. Stone, instead prefers to use the Trustee reports as her personal grandstand, probably because it's early in the meaning when most of the persons in attendance and media are still there. New business is toward the end of the meeting and by the time Stoney is done trying to derail everything, it's late -- very late.
So why not focus on quantity and not quality and make a scene with the greater number of people present.
It's not to unlike a strategy used by another Illinois politician -- Rod Blagojevich. Now
I'm not saying Lisa Stone is another Blagojevich -- because (as far as I know) she's not.
But she and Blago do share one common trait.
Nice hair.
Stan, you perceived months ago, very early in the process, that Stone is using Village Board meetings, the televised platform provided at taxpayer expense, to further her personal ego trip and endless campaign for FREE. No wonder she thinks the longer the meeting, the better. Her abuse of BG taxpayers must be stopped. Recall now! Keep up the good work, Stan.
ReplyDeleteThis entire thing is absolutely ridiculous and is an embarrassment to our town. Lisa has done nothing but expose wrongdoing and abuse. Although her methods may be questionable, I still believe that she is the only one on that board actually working for the people.
ReplyDeleteAs for Mr. Wells, can you say sore loser? He was the campaign manager for some failed Trustee candidate. Instead of accepting his loss and inability to garner the proper number of votes the first time, he challenged Lisa's finances in a pathetic attempt to have her disqualified. He lost. So, instead of graciously accepting defeat, he went ahead and tried to get her re-called so that he or his poker buddy can run for the seat. This isn't action in the best interest of Buffalo Grove, this is action in the best interest of David Wells.
What's embarrassing to the village is not the recall effort, but what lead up to the initiative. Yes, her methods are questionable.
ReplyDeleteExposed wrong doing? The village has not been found guilty of wrong doing, so I am not sure what she has exposed. All of the Board members work for the residents of Buffalo Grove -- somne flaunt it more than others.
As for Mr. Wells -- he is entitled to voice his concern. Sour grapes? I think there were sour groups and both sides of the ballot -- that's the nature of elections. Would a different outcome had produced different long-term results?
We'll never know. The reality is that right now, like it or not, Wells is doing what he is entitled to do.
To Anonymous 4/27/2010 12:58 p.m.
ReplyDeleteYou should get your facts straight. David Wells was not the Campaign Chairman for a losing candidate. He is not a sore loser as you state. You have the wrong person, and you owe him an apology which of course he will wait until something freezes over before he gets it. Mr. Wells is acting as a concerned citizen and doing exactly what he has a right to do.
As far as the tripe that Lisa has done nothing wrong but expose wrong doing and abuse--please cite examples. Also the comment that Lisa is the only one working for the people, she has cost the taxpayers huge dollars trying to prove that others are dishonest and have no integrity--hasn't suceeded so far. Please quit drinking the kool-aide and get your facts straight. She has cost BG an excellent Village Manager who can retire at full pension so decided he did not need to keep putting up with her crap. By the way, others may follow in his footsteps--Hostile Workplace anyone!
In less than one year Stone has turned this Village into the laughing stock of the Chicago area and beyond and has turned the Village meetings into a freak show. So please tell us how she is helping the residents of this Village other than giving us unwanted publicity, costing us, the taxpayers a lot of extra money and exposed the Village to a possible lawsuit. WHAT AN OUTSTANDING TRUSTEE SHE IS NOT!!!
It's too bad Wells wasn't Terson's campaign manager. I agree with everything Terson has said both in his campaign and since, and I agree with everything Wells has said and done. The way this recall effort is running (pretty darn well), I think Terson would have won if he had someone like Wells running the show. I hope the 2 of them join forces, we could use people like Terson and Wells representing us instead of what we ended up with.
ReplyDeleteTime will tell.....