Sunday, April 25, 2010

Recalling recent news...

It has been interesting reading the breaking news in the Countryside, the weekly newspaper published by Pioneer Press, which cover Buffalo Grove.

Imagine my shock and horror when the
front page story was, and as Dave Barry would say, I am not making this up -- about a Stevenson junior who has carpal tunnel syndrome from sending too many text messages.

Horrors! This child suffers. I wonder if Pioneer would extend the same coverage to kids with Autism, Leukemia, cancer and other maladies. The fact that some kid is obsessed with texting does not bring a tear to my eye.

So with that riveting piece of new echoing in my mind, I opened this week's Countryside and once again I was horrified. "Campaign starts to recall Stone."

Horrified? Only because it wasn't on the cover.

As usual Lisa Stone continued to blame others for her own embarrassing performance as a village trustee. Pioneer said he stint on the Board has been a "lightning rod for controversy."

Not really -- because there was no controversy. Only an ongoing performance by a village trustee who comes across as arrogant, hateful, spiteful and uninformed.

As usual Stoney blamed village president Elliott Hartstein, the board, village manager William Brimm and probably, Sam Sianis' goat.

There is one person Stone did not blame. Herself.

Her act is old, people are getting tired of it and aside from her own agenda she has done nothing for the Board, the village, or most of the residents. Notice, if you will, that aside from her own rants she has nothing to say about important village issues.

But wait, Miz Stone does take a stand -- on the minutes. She always votes no -- and never says why. My guess (as well as anyone's) because they probably do not include her hours of arrogant rant.

So when a recall petition is filed by David Wells, she blames others. Hint Lisa, look in the mirror.

Pioneer was not the only paper to cover it, both the TribLocal and Daily Herald have covered the filing of the petition for recall. Both cite the efforts of resident Adam Moodhe who is working with Wells on the recall effort.

As noted in this blog, they are fed up with Stone citing the fact that Stone will break the rules if she feels the need, there is a loss of confidence in the methods and ability of Trustee Stone to effectively govern or represent the residents of Buffalo Grove.

But Stone blames the board, Brimm and Hartstein. She does not have any concrete evidence why, she just wants to whine and blame them.

Stone, as reported in the Countryside, says I am not willing to break criminal laws, but there's a moral compass that we all have, and I will go beyond the code of conduct if the safety of citizens is at issue."

See, she puts herself above the proper procedure. Safety? If she's talking about the compost operation, she needs to look on both sides of the street and pay heed to what the state EPA and County departments have found.

But that would be too easy. It may have been a valid concern to look into and the Board got the answers -- but Stone wants to, as the late Fidel Ghini would say, make a polenta with cold water -- or worse -- with no water.

And she wonders why people want her out.

By the way, Moodhe and Wells have scheduled two events -- one is Monday, April 26 at the Village Grill at Buffalo Grove Golf Course starting at 7:30. According to Moodhe, residents can sign petitions at 7:30 with packet pass out starting at 8 p.m. At noon on Saturday, May 1, there will be a "Rally For Recall" at Rotary Village Park. Being called the "official kick-off" for the recall effort, petitions will be available for residents to sign.

As a resident of Buffalo Grove, it's not the kind of event I want to see in the village. I echo Hartstein's comments in TribLocal -- "I'm sadden that we would get to a point where anybody would feel the need to do this."

But it is being done -- which leaves one last question.

Who will Stone blame now? As I tell my freshmen students -- they're responsible for their own actions.

It might be good advice for some freshmen trustees.

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