Thursday, May 6, 2010

And the correct answer is....

It's quiz time.

Lisa Stone is a: 1.) Independent 2.) Reformer 3.) Campaigner.

Correct answer? 3.) Campaigner.

The May 3 meeting proved once again that Stone wants to do little more at a village board meeting than make accusations tell the word how great she thinks she is and avoid addressing bonafide village business.

Challenging the now-passed ordinance that establishes procedures for the "corporate authorities" -- best known as the village -- Stone too the ordinance personally and used her displeasure to accuse the Board from seemingly causing everything from the Great Chicago Fire to violating First Amendment.

Neither of which are true. Stone's solution? Let's hire a attorney -- at village expense -- to prove her right. Stone, who claims residents aren't allowed to say the piece at a village board meeting, think the village should contact a First Amendment professor or constitutional attorney. It seems like Stone wants to take advantage of the village's excellent standing for her "private education."

When last I checked, attorneys don't work pro bono to soothe the tears of a whiny village trustee. The fact is, there is no First Amendment violation. The Board lets village residents speak during each meeting.

Yes, there are some limitations -- a 10-minute time limit, and please avoid repeating what has always been said.

As Board president Elliott Hartstein said, these limits are not unique to the Village of Buffalo Grove. Area school boards and village boards all have limits and guidelines on resident participation.

Prior to her election to the Board, Stone reportedly spent little time at Board meetings. So all of a sudden she storms in and cries foul. If you're going to be an official, it's probably a good idea -- a real good idea -- to learn the rules.

But once again, it's apparent that Stone has not done her homework, but sees fit to make her whines seem like a problem. They're not problems.

Stone thinks the Board is in a hurry and does not want to have long meetings. The only reason Board meetings go long is because of the patience of the board to let Liza rant.

Stone cries about the need for the board to contact, as noted, a First Amendment expert. She did not say why, probably because she does not understand the First Amendment. There are no violations here.

But yet, Liza wants to carry on waving her independent and reformer flag.

She's no independent. Attend or watch a meeting -- aside from her personal crusades, she demonstrates little knowledge of the operation of the village. She's more bent on being the focus of the meeting than a team player.

Reformer? Of what? Maybe she missed Hartstein's comment that the village has a Triple A bond rating from Moody's. That coincides with Triple A rating from Standard and Poors.

Let's see -- bad economy, balanced budget, excellent credit.

Yes, it seems like the Board has given the village staff bad direction.

So where's the reform needed?

All you need to do is face the board and look two seats from the left.


  1. Short and sweet and to the if only that "certain party" could learn to be so succinct....
