Despite what some people would want you to believe, outgoing Village Manager Bill Brimm is widely respected. This, by the way, comes from someone who is not a village resident, but from an organization that has a long history of excellence in municipal governments.
At its meeting on Wednesday, the Northwest Municipal Conference passed a resolution honoring Brimm for his "..knowledge, leadership, wisdom and sincere commitment to the Northwest Municipal Conference and the Village of Buffalo Grove." The resolution cites Brimm's 32 years of service to the village.
The membership of the NWMC is, according to its website, "..one of the premier regional councils of government, the Northwest Municipal Conference represents over 1.3 million citizens residing in our 47 municipalities and 1 township. Our membership area covers over 300 square miles in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and McHenry counties."
They're pros. They know municipal government and they know quality individuals -- which is more than one Buffalo Grove Village Board member does.
At its meeting on Wednesday, the Northwest Municipal Conference passed a resolution honoring Brimm for his "..knowledge, leadership, wisdom and sincere commitment to the Northwest Municipal Conference and the Village of Buffalo Grove." The resolution cites Brimm's 32 years of service to the village.
The membership of the NWMC is, according to its website, "..one of the premier regional councils of government, the Northwest Municipal Conference represents over 1.3 million citizens residing in our 47 municipalities and 1 township. Our membership area covers over 300 square miles in Cook, DuPage, Kane, Lake and McHenry counties."
They're pros. They know municipal government and they know quality individuals -- which is more than one Buffalo Grove Village Board member does.
Just two words -- Congratulations Bill.
Search Begins -- According to the Countryside, there's a nice pool of candidates to replace Brimm, although the shoes will be tough to fill. I am giving some consideration to applying. As a high school teacher I've dealt with some immature adolescent behavior -- which would enable me to work with some trustees. Besides, as an experienced journalist and journalism teacher, I not only know the First Amendment, but I practice and teach it.
Stone needs a refund? -- Ms. Stone may need to get as refund on the mirror she keeps looking in. As she continually referred to a letter from a resident who was "scared" to attend a Village Board meeting because he was concerned about how village trustees interrupt residents -- she must have forgotten that she's more guilty than anyone else. Darn mirror.
A bad air day? -- If you're talking air quality, Ms. Stone, consider the factors that impact it on your beloved "east side" of the village. Let's see, there's a Sewage Treatment plant, a major roadway, significant retail outlets. A compost facility is not a major factor.
By the way, Ms. Stone -- First Amendment? Just learn it.
By the way...Part Two -- Crestwood? I'm glad certain trustees don't work at a fruit market -- they'd be mixing apples and bananas. Did someone say fruitcake?
This is news? -- News Flash -- Buffalo Grove has Lake Michigan drinking water. It has for more than 25 years. Not sure why Stoney made a point of this at the last meeting. If she was so well versed in the village, she would have known that long before preaching about ground water contamination from compost sites.
It's quality, not quantity -- So Arlington Heights met until 12:30 a.m. at its last meeting. Wanna bet they were actually doing something and not listening to campaign speeches?
Hello, boys and girls, can you say.... -- Oh look, Miz Stone learned a new word -- if the Countryside is correct, she used "disingenuous," when describing those who are spearheading a drive to put a recall notice on the November ballot. I wonder if her on-line dictionary has a link to Robert's Rules of Order or to Miss Manners? (By the way, if you really want to know, disingenuous means lacking in frankness, candor, or sincerity; falsely or hypocritically ingenuous; insincere)
Don't forget... Monday is Board Meeting night. The twice monthly version of Ripley's Believe It Or Not begins at 7:30 p.m.
Thanks Stan. It is a well deserved recognition, and there are going to be many more coming. However, the truth is, I wish Bill was not getting the resolutions because that would mean that he will still be our Village Manager. What has happened to him this past year should never have happened, but it did, and hopefully, the ax will fall on Trustee stone's term in office in November. I doubt that she will get any resolutions presented to her. If you notice I capitalized Trustee and not stone because I respect the office just not the one holding it.
ReplyDeleteI fully agree about Bill. However, like her or not, Stone should be capitalized. While she may not show the respect people deserve, there's no reason to play "her game."