Saturday, July 31, 2010

Rules, we don't need no stinkin' rules...

One of the things that makes Buffalo Grove - along with many other north and northwest suburban communities so appealing is the fact that are so well regulated.

Yes, Buffalo Grove has some "stringent rules" about a lot of things.

But they seem to work. Take a look at the appearance of the village -- its commercial areas, its retail and residential areas.

If you think rules don't work, drive down Milwaukee Avenue and take a look at some neighboring communities.

But now it seems rules don't matter. And shouldn't.

Just ask Lisa Stone. While she waves Robert's Rule of Order around, she doesn't think twice about not following them.

So when there was a question about use of Rotary Green by the group looking to recall Stone, she wants to everyone to follow the rules.

At issue her is the need for a permit to use Rotary Green -- A student group from Stevenson High School wanted to use the facility a year ago, but were told they needed a certificate of insurance, and thus did not have their event at the Green.

Stone voiced (do 'ya think) her opinion that the recall group should have had permits as well.

It's interesting that she did not raise a concern about the permit policy for Rotary Green until it affect her.

The permit policy is under review by the village and hopefully future requests will be handled without any issue. Period. Done.

At least you would think.

Now I can understand Stone's displeasure with the recall group -- heck, they want her gone.

What I don't understand is her rationale.

Stone's idea, however, is to have the village forget the fines. Be serious.

Just watch the last Village Board meeting -- rules? She was miffed that her five-minutes of speaking time allotted all trustees during the Trustee Reports portion of the meeting ran out.

Instead, she tried to talk over Trustee Jeff Braiman. Stone may have been able to finish her comments in the designated time had she not filled her comments with caustic comments toward Village Board President Elliott Hartstein.

She does not seem to realize that to every action there's a reaction, which may be why Hartstein has become a bit more direct and blunt in response to her.

The village's rules are the very fabric of the community. Yes, they are tough. To suggest that we have too many rules and they pose a problem for the residents.

This seems to be an annoying trend. Let's do away with rules. During board meetings, in the community -- let's just have everyone do what they want.

Trustee Stone needs to look at the community and how it looks. She may also want to check other communities to see how well rules work.

There's a reason property values are strong and residents and business owners appreciate Buffalo Grove -- yes, the rules are stringent, but they work.

Anarchy does not.

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