Tuesday, July 20, 2010

There's no biz, like show biz....

I've said several times before in this space that it's comical, if not darn right annoying, how Buffalo Grove Trustee Lisa Stone says one thing and turns around does another.

Her latest crusade is how much the village spends. She would want folks to think that this was her original crusade. But wait, Miz Quixote must have missed the village manager's reports, or maybe even Village President Elliott Hartstein's report that the village has not, one, but two, AAA bond ratings -- one from Standard and Poors and another from Moody's.

Nice job. Now no one can fault anyone for keeping an eye on the piggy bank, but Stoney is so busy worried about everyone else (the village attorney, the village manager etc. etc.) that she has forgotten one person.


Her incessant use of staff time is a drain on the productivity of various village departments. Let's see, we'll her more comments that she need to get background and she needs to know what her constituency thinks.

Yo, Liza, you should have done that before you ran for office. It's interesting that she runs around like the Caped Crusader -- or should that be the Joker -- claiming she's working in the interest of the residents, but yet says she needs time to learn what they want.

Who was her speech writer? Yogi Berra?

I have begun a review of hundreds of emails I received through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). My intent was, and remains, to get more information about the Land and Lakes situation. I was also interested in other issues related to the village, including but not limited to financial policies.

My preliminary review has been intriguing, Stone does not hesitate to email a wide myriad of village staffers. Some questions are valid. However, there appears to be excessive follow-up and directions or edicts.

Imagine the staff time lost because of her birage of requests, some of which will be detailed in future blogs.

One email struck me funny -- Ch. 6 was not working. So Stoney contacted the village and indicated that she also contacted the police. I'm at a loss why our award-winning police department needs to handle calls about Ch. 6.

I know -- it's in case there's an emergency, we all run to Ch. 6.

Actually, I think Ms. Quixote is worried that someone will not be able to watch a Village Board meeting and see her in action.

Stone likes to showcase for the throngs at home who are, no doubt, glued to the TV. In fact, at the last meeting she held up a copy of the now infamous Shaw report and asked the videographers to focus in on it.

For the record, the report is available from the village in hard copy or as a .pdf. Just request it.

Stoney knows that -- but see, that's too easy. Instead it becomes part of her continuing dog-and -pony -- which, by the way is done at taxpayer's expense.

It's a good thing the community access channel is just called "Ch. 6."

It wouldn't surprise me if she's want to have it called WLS -- not Ch. 7 -- which stands for World's Largest Store.

She's want it to stand for Watch Lisa Stone.

I'd rather watch the Cubs.


  1. If she's so concerened with fixing every single little problem in the village then I wish she'd come over and fix the pothole on my street. That's what I care about.

    That, and how much my home's value has declined since she took office.

  2. Be serious -- can you see Trustee Stone fixing a pothole? My experience -- long before she came on the Board and long before I started this blog -- is that the village does an excellent job of responding to residents' concerns.

    Your concern about home values is interesting. i have chatted with business owners who hint at the same sort of concern.
