Thursday, August 12, 2010

A Restaurant Review: La Casa de la Aldea

I enjoy Mexican food.

I've eaten in small mom-and-pop places in Waukegan, Chicago, Los Angeles and as far south as Chula Vista, California.

So when I found a new Mexican restaurant in Buffalo Grove, I had to check it out. La Casa de la Aldea a small place on Raupp Boulevard and has been around for more than 50 years. It's staff and service is second to none. The decor is somewhat stark, but comfortable.

For years, from what I've been able to research, the management has provided a solid fare, somewhat routine, but effective in pleasing the palates of their customers. The management, working with staff, have enhance the menu and improved service on a regular basis. Customers seem to like the steady and dependable service and menu.

Having been a regular I can't help but notice an annoying change in the menu. It seems that while most of the culinary staff is pleased with the menu items, there seems to be a tendency to over serve refried beans.

I can't recall a restaurant that features as many refried beans as La Casa de la Aleda in the 15 months. It seems to me that they are accented with what taste like either old laundry or poor quality water, which is unusual because the village's water is really excellent.

The excess of refried beans seems to come from a member of the culinary staff who things they are the big enchilada and wants to keep serving the same old refried beans over and over again. I have friends who are in the restaurant business and have met some leading Mexican chefs, and they'll tell you that over serving a menu item, like refried beans, does little for your culinary excellence. Culinary creations are best developed working as a team. Items that are overdone, stale and not properly prepared do little for the overall success and image of the restaurant.

I don't think I'm off track when I bet that many customers have had their fill of these refried beans. Independent ideas can be a welcome idea to any menu, but the key is having solid ideas, not a self-proclamation as to your culinary ability. Unproven recipes and miserable service are not good for a restaurant. Culinary creativity, great service, solid management and presentation are the cornerstones for a successful restaurant like La Casa de la Aldea.

It has worked for more than 50 years and let's hope it continues.

Otherwise the Spanish phrase you may hear comes from the governor of the state that had the nation's most aggressive recall effort. You know the governor and you know one of his most famous lines.

Hasta la vista, baby.


  1. At first, I was trying to think where a mexican restaurant could possibly be on Raupp Blvd. then I read on & laughed out loud. Excellent blog that put a smile on my face.

  2. Careful of them beans....there will probably be a recall on them if any more outbreaks are reported

  3. Maybe some of the problem is that the beans are cooked in less water than they were in past years? Oh, wait, using less water might actually be a good thing.
