The declaration by Village Board President Elliott Hartstein that a timer be used to keep the Village Board meetings moving along is a unique idea.
But it's only a start.
The board meetings have taken on a flair of another significant Monday night event -- Monday Night Football. If the Board wanted to attract more viewers, it should adapt to the market and make their meetings more like Monday night football.
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Howard Cosell |
But we'll never know. The reality is the Board has adopted some rules designed to keep the meetings going. Time limits are not unusual -- many village boards, school boards, park board, etc. have time restrictions. Given the nature of things with the Buffalo Grove Village Board, most people think they are designed to silence trustee Lisa Stone. The bottom line is the rule applies to all trustees.
The enforcement of the time limits by appointing a time keeper (village staff member Art Malinowski) puts a new twist on Village Board meetings -- time management. Several times during the meeting Stone was heard prompting Melanowski when to start her time and reminding Village Board President Elliott Hartstein how much time she had at any given time.
The focus on time management reminded me of a football game, which made me think that the Village Board meetings have become a governmental version of Monday Night Football.
What's next? Referees? Video replays? Cheerleaders?
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Hawk Harrelson |
Why not? He's used to disagreements -- just look at Kenny Williams and Ozzie Guillen -- that's similar to Hartstein and Stone. He's used to incessant rants. He's used to bizarreness.
And to make things easier, he would not have to learn any new lingo. For example these classic "Harrelsonisms":
- At the start of a meeting: "Time to cinch it up and hunker down" or "Sit Back, Relax, and Strap it Down!"
- When the exchanges between trustees gets acrimonious: "Mercy!"
- When Hartstein tries to keep Stone in order: "Zone 'em in, Reel 'em in, and light her up"
- When the Board tries to regain focus after a Stone tirade: "But the damage is done"
- When someone tries to correct Stone: "That's trouble"
- When Stone tries to insist that she's right: "Lookin' for it, got it, couldn't do nothing with it"
- When trustee Steve Trilling sets the record straight: "Give 'em a thrill"
- When Stone takes on Village Clerk Jan Sirabian: "That's trouble"
- At the end of yet another long, drawn out meeting (with one slight modification): "And this OVA!!"
So what might he say after the Nov. 2 election -- especially if Stone is recalled? It could be...with some minor editing...
- She gone.
- You can put her off the booooooooooooooaaaaaaard...YEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!"
Mr. Zoller - How can you even bring into play some key sports figures into your circus of foolishness. Why don't you and your friends just STOP with your nonsense. Mr. Cosell is turning in his grave having you disparage his name and reputation. I hope this smear campaign that you have created will be noticed by readers and that they will vote no to the recall. You should be ashamed of yourselves.
ReplyDeleteGentle reader, a few notes:
ReplyDelete1. My circus of foolishness? Clearly you haven't been to or watched a Village Board meeting.
2. Nonsense? See comment No. 1.
3. Smear campaign I created? See comment No. 1. Stone sees fit to smear any and everyone who does not agree with her -- which is a lot of people.
4. You and your friends Stop with this nonsense? Before I refer you back to point No. 1 -- as noted in many previous blogs, I write only about what I see, not what people send me.
5. Disparage Howard Cosell's name and reputation? All I did was mention him -- or perhaps you missed that point. If you are concerned about individuals who disparage reputations, talk to Ms. Stone about how she disparages reputations -- of village staff, and the village.
and finally,
No. 6 -- You should be ashamed of yourselves. Huh?
If readers think this is a smear campaign,then all they have to do is watch the village board meetings -- and then they'll see a real smear campaign. Hint -- it's not coming from this blog -- it's coming from the second seat from the left -- as you face the dais.
Mr. Zoller - Nope. You're wrong and I would hope people reading your blog will look right thru your lies and arrogance. They are a lot smarter than you and your friends. Good night for now.
ReplyDeleteIt seems as though Sandy Reaves/Betty White has gotten a time out on the Daily Herald board, and decided to chime in on your blog.
Sandy/Betty (or whatever your name is today), you are a complete nut job. Aside from your obvious mental illness, you're also a moron and a bitch. I don't know who all of us in BG are more sick of, you or Lisa Stone (she's a bitch too). I think you are both meant for each other, and starting November 3, I hope we never hear from either one of you 2 loons again.
Lies? I'm just commenting on what goes on in the meetings...these are my own views -- like them or not -- I prefer to blog rather than enter into the comments on various sites. Look at it this way -- at least they're not anonymous.
ReplyDeleteOh, thanks for the "xoxo" - I didn't know you cared.
In response to: <>
ReplyDeleteBeats me. I have no idea who she is. By the way, I don't mind comments, but please keep the language appropriate. Thanks.
ReplyDeleteI actually thought I was keeping the language appropriate. Bitch is used on broadcast TV, and I actually left out the word I wanted to use before the word bitch. I'll let you guess what letter that word begins with.
Mr. Zoller - If you are hoping for residents to see this garbage and believe your crap, you sir are so wrong. When my friends and I get together we just laugh at your column and shake our heads in disbelief. We can't believe the hatred your spewing. Will your articles stop on November 2nd or will you continue your out and out dislike of Lisa Stone.
ReplyDeleteResidents can believe what they want. Hatred? I guess you haven't been to a Village Board meeting. Did I ever said I dislike Lisa Stone? My focus has been only on the way she handles herself as a village official.
ReplyDeleteAnd why would my articles stop Nov. 2? The village will continue and I will continue to blog. If you haven't noticed, I have written about other things besides the Village Board.
Oh, and one more thing -- like the blog or not, I at least use my name.
Thanks for reading.