Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Time Has Come...

Today, voters around the country will head to the polling places to for the mid-term election. In Illinois, the focus i s on the gubernatorial race between Pat Quinn and Bill Brady while the race between Mark Kirk and Alexi Giannoulias has captivated the most ardent political observers. Unemployment, the spiraling state debt and attracting new businesses to the state have been the focus of the campaign.

Except in Buffalo Grove.

The focus on the election is the potential recall of Village Trustee Lisa Stone.

On Tuesday, voters will have the rare opportunity to, in essence, fire an elected official -- and not a moment too soon.

The debate and discussion of Stone's performance have gone on long enough. The village is fortunate that we are not facing the crunch other nearby municipalities are facing -- staff layoffs, budget deficits, and the reopening of collective bargaining agreements with police officers and fire fighters in order to stay solvent.

The village of Buffalo Grove is not facing that kind of crunch.  We have AAA bond ratings with both Moody's and Standard & Poors.

But you wouldn't know that.  For the past 18 months the focus has been on everything that is wrong with the village.  At least according to Lisa Stone.

Buffalo Grove is not perfect -- no municipality is.

But to listen to Stone you'd think Buffalo Grove was run by corrupt, back-stabbing, unprofessionals.

That's not the case.  But you know that.  The village staff is highly respected by other municipalities.

What the village needs to do is address the problems that may arise in the future.  We're not immune to a struggling economy, unemployment or the need to attract business and commerce to the area.

We need to focus on moving forward in the village.  Not on Lisa Stone.

We need to focus on partnerships to generate new initiatives for our children.  Not on Lisa Stone.

We need to focus on the programs to curb crime. Not on Lisa Stone.

We need to focus on how to continue the excellence that has lead to the aforementioned bond ratings.  Not on Lisa Stone.

We need to focus on finding ways to continue supporting our public works, police and fire department employees.  Not on Lisa Stone.

We need to focus on how to continue growing our citizen involvement through commissions, events and committees. Not on Lisa Stone.

This is my 100th blog, the first coming in early July of last year.  Most have, unfortunately, focused on the antics of Stone and her effort to put her agenda ahead of what is needed for the village.  Some people have asked me why I hate Lisa Stone.  I don't hate Lisa Stone.  What I do hate is the way she has handled and presented herself as a Buffalo Grove village official.  And that's what needs to be addressed on Tuesday.  It's about Lisa Stone -- not her husband or family.

Some people have said maybe it's unfair to judge her because she has only has been in office for 18 months.  So has Beverly Sussman. Sussman brought with her an agenda -- one that had the village in mind.  Yet if you listen to Stone, Sussman is part of the "old boys club."  Sussman has, however, raised questions and has not gone along with the Board on every issue and has done so with a thought-provoking, professional demeanor.

Stone has not.

Instead of working for the community, she has been a polarizing force that seeks to tear down and not build up.

So the time has gone for residents to do the ultimate job performance review.

As noted in previous blogs, winning an election does not give you immunity from the wrath of the electorate.  Winning an election puts you at the highest level of public trust and when that trust is breached, it becomes a case of drastic times calling for drastic measures.

That time is here.  The village cannot continue to function with the distractions and unfounded accusations levied by Stone.

On Tuesday residents will have the option of voting yes to recall Stone or no to keep her in office.

The unfortunate reality is that there is only one choice.

It has three letters.

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